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Total control over the production of shows, fairs, parties, conventions, and other actions in the field.

Execute your production with a step-by-step approach that allows your team to track and manage every detail, from the beginning to the end of each project.

  • No credit card required.
  • No minimum user requirement.
  • No minimum contract duration.
Visualize, analise e exporte relatórios fotográficos em tempo real.

Visualize, analyze, and export real-time photo reports.

Capture real-time images and easily create customized reports that showcase the work performed.

Assign tasks and leave nothing behind since the technical visit.

Ensure that your team knows exactly which tasks to perform at every moment, without missing anything.

Direcione tarefas e não deixe nada para trás desde a visita técnica.
Compartilhe seu sucesso através do painel de convidados.

Share your success through the guest dashboard.

Give your partners access to predefined areas of the management dashboard so they can follow your actions in real time.

Perform checklists and have more peace of mind throughout the production.

Standardize processes and incorporate best practices to have a workflow with less stress and everything under control.

Realize check lists e tenha mais tranquilidade ao longo da produção.

Powerful tools for your front line to shine

Powerful Tools

Form Builder

Visit Management

Photo Report

Message Center

Smart Dashboard


Perfect Execution

Alerts in real time


Distribute tasks and guide your team to achieve the best execution on the field.


Connection of the field team with managers and back-office for efficient operations.


Use custom forms to create tasks, surveys, checklists, and more.


Easy and agile communication to keep your team informed and motivated.


Integrate Team and Field quickly with your system for the best data flow.

We simplify the lives of field collaborators, managers, and back-office teams for hundreds of companies.


“Great app.”

Leandro Carvalho - 06/07/2020

See Team and Field in action.

Learn more about each of the solutions that one single app brings to you.